Productive Zakat Fund Management as an Effort to Overcome Poverty (Case Study of Zakat Management by Baznas in Bengkalis District)
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This study aims to determine how effective, productive zakat alleviates poverty. Then, select the effect of empowering productive zakat on productive zakat recipients from the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) Bengkalis Regency. This research is qualitative. The data collected comes from interviews, field notes, and other official documentation. The results showed that BAZNAS Bengkalis Regency has several programs included in the long-term program and not the short-term program. The programs are programs in education, the economic field, and programs in the areas of da'wah and advocacy, health, humanity and disaster response. Of the six programs, the most superior is in education. The implication of this research is to provide an overview of zakat management in Bengkalis Regency The effective zakat program of Baznas Bengkalis Regency in overcoming poverty is carried out by community empowerment. In the future, BAZNAS in Bengkalis Regency hopes that in overcoming poverty, it will be able to carry out supervision and guidance to mustahik recipients of zakat. BAZNAS must be able to try as hard as possible so that the collection of zakat funds can be maximized.
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